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There are many siding choices but nothing compares to Abrasive paper the natural beauty of wood siding. There are several kinds of siding that are typically used on residential homes including: wood board (also known as clapboard), wood shingle or shake siding and plywood sheet siding. Each of these wood siding types can be installed by a carpenter or professional siding installer.  
Many homeowners do not choose wood siding because of the maintenance involved. Wood siding also needs to be repaired more than other siding types, such as vinyl and aluminum. However, for those who have the time to maintain it, it's worth the investment.ProsStyle ChoiceYou can decide the exact method of installation of your wood siding. For example, you can interlock or overlap the siding, or install it horizontally or vertically. It's best to consult with a siding installer or carpenter so that you can understand the advantages and disadvantages of the different ways of having it installed. Because wood is natural, you can stain or detail it in just about any color or patternBeauty and ValueNo other siding type can compare to the natural beauty of wood siding.  Wood siding can also increase the resale value of a home.Easily RepairedOther siding types are hard to repair. Wood siding board can be replaced easily.ConsMaintenanceWood needs the most maintenance out of any siding type. But, with good maintenance, wood siding can last for about 30 years. Maintenance includes repainting and sealing the siding about very two years. Mold repellents must also be applied to prevent mold and fungus growth.TermitesTermites are attracted to wood siding.  
They can eat the wood siding and cause significant damage. You can prevent termites by selecting a wood that has been treated with preservatives. The preservatives ward off termites. Cedar or redwood heartwoods do not attract termites and would be a good choice of wood for siding.CostWood siding is one of the most expensive siding types. According to Costhelper.com, the average cost for wood siding is $6,500 -$7,500 (including professional installation) for a 1,250 exterior square feet. This includes yellow pine, spruce or fir clapboard (overlapping rows).

Posté le 15/03/2021 à 04:47 par cleanitowls

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